Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Cloud Will Block Out the Sun

I love this picture :-)

I'm not an expert in AWS Cloud computing but lately i start working and studying about the AWS Cloud and more I read about it, more I find it interesting.

I'm a Network & Security Nerd and interested in exploring all the services and features AWS offer for Network & Security. I took few AWS courses which taught and exposed me to a whole new world about AWS architecture, all the AWS services and features, how to integrate them with each other, etc.

If you are a Network or Security person and want to pursue your career in Cloud domain, i would recommend you to take below training to get in-depth knowledge.
  • AWS Security Essentials
  • AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty
  • AWS Certified Security – Specialty
Below are the some important topics in AWS. There are many more features which AWS offer but i can't cover them all in one topic.

If you are working on AWS platform, if you are going to start working on AWS, you should know all of it.

  • What is VPC and how to create it? How to connect private VPC with public network?
  • What is IAM? How can we create different IAM policies?
  • Relationship between EC2 instance and AMI?
  • Difference between ELB and ALB?
  • What is CloudTrail & CloudWatch and how you integrate them?
  • How do you integrate CloudWatch event to send SNS topics?
  • How do you enable VPC Flow Logs?
  • What is AWS KMS & HSM?
  • Network ACL’s v/s Security groups?
  • Can we scale-up ec2-instances virtually?
  • Is it possible to peer two VPCs with matching IP address ranges?
  • What is AWS Cloud Formation?
  • What are the templates in Cloud Formation?
  • What are the parameters that are mandatory in AWS Cloud Formation templates?
  • What is Autoscaling?
  • What is the min & max instances in Autoscaling configuration?
  • What is Elastic Bean Stalk?
  • What is managed Platform?
  • What is S3? What is versioning? What is life cycle management?
  • What is AWS glacier?
  • What is Cloud Front? How do you configure Cloud Front in AWS?
  • What is Route 53? What is the use and how to work with it?
  • What is CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)

Hope this is helpful. 

"More to come, lot to do"

Kamran Rafiq!

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